Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Top 15 Ways to Gain Weight

No matter how much your friends envy you for eating so much and not putting on weight, you know what it really feels like to be skinny. For starters, the clothes don’t fit you well. You can’t even find the right size for your body and hence, every outfit you buy needs to be altered. Secondly, your relatives constantly remind you that you’ve lost more weight since they last saw you. Thirdly, your mother taunts you every time it comes to meals.

These are some of the hundreds of problems you face for being skinny.

But what can you do? You just don’t gain any weight despite eating more than other people. Well, it could be that you’re not doing it right. Let us help you with some tips and tricks to gain weight fast in a healthy way.

1. Eat a lot. And then some more.

It’s not easy, forewarning. You might be eating a lot and still not gaining any weight. Wondering why? It’s simple. You’re not eating enough. It might sound crazy that you need to eat double or triple the amount you’re eating right now, but it’s very much true. It’s going to be difficult at first because your body is not used to eating so much, but it will gradually.

Eat in small amounts or large, whatever works for you. Eat seven times a day or three, but the goal is to gain at least a pound in a week. If it happens, you’re doing it right. If not, well, eat more.

2. Eat healthy.

Eating a lot doesn’t mean you keep eating doughnuts and pizzas throughout the day. However, you will gain weight if you do eat fast food, but it won’t be healthy at all. Sure, you’ll get a fine amount of calories from it, but it’s unhealthy. What you need is a balanced amount of muscle mass and subcutaneous fat for being called healthy.  So, consume a handsome amount of healthy calories depending upon how skinny you are and how much you want to gain.

A diet containing such calories should be rich in carbs, proteins, healthy fat, fruits and vegetables. Avocado, apricots, whole grain items, dairy products like cottage cheese and milk, fish, meat, etc. are some of the food items fulfilling the criteria.

3. Intake of more calories than you burn.

The calorie intake should be such that it makes up for the calories lost, as well as adds a little more. For example, if you burn 200 calories a day, consume at least 300 calories. It will fulfil the demand of your body and keep you active as well.

To gain weight fast, eat at least 700-1000 calories a day.

4. Take lots of Proteins

Without proteins, calories won’t be on your side for good. Muscles are made up of proteins and without them, most of your calories might turn into body fat. Fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, soy beans, chicken breast, meat and some nuts like peanut offer a fine amount of proteins. Consider taking 1.5-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of your bodyweight. But note that proteins are highly filling and could reduce your hunger. So, there’s no need to go above 300 grams a day.

5.Make carbs your best friend.

You might’ve seen people restricting themselves from eating carbohydrates and fats when they’re trying to lose weight. But you’re going in the opposite direction, so you need to have both of these things. Each meal of your day should have a substantial amount of carbs, proteins and fats. Carbohydrates break down into glucose inside our body and complete the body’s demand. Sources of carbohydrates are yoghurt, sweet potato, brown bread, beans, corn, etc.


Ah, probably the easiest and the best part of gaining weight. When you sleep, your body recovers the tired muscles and builds them to be better than before. Get at least 8 hours of sleep to reap the benefits of your diet and work out.

7. Make your food tasty.

It might be difficult sometimes to eat more. You’re going to have to force the food down your throat. To avoid such circumstances, add sauces and spices to your food according to your taste. The tastier your food is, the more you’ll be able to eat easily.

8. WATER – the elixir for you

Drink as much water as you can in a day, ideally 4-5 litres a day. Your body should always be hydrated as it is important for proper functioning of muscles. Moreover, more water in your muscles means more weight. A little supplementation can be useful to increase the water retention of your body. Creatine is one such supplement which is present in buffalo milk, meat and fish. However, it is not obtained in sufficient amounts from these food items. Creatine monohydrate is a supplement that could help.

But remember not to drink water before meals as it will reduce your hunger and thus, it will become difficult for you to complete your target of consuming enough calories.

9. Drink milk

Milk is a source of high-quality calories and proteins. It can help in completing your goal for sufficient intake of calories and proteins for the day. Therefore, quench your thirst with milk every once in a while.

10. Lift weights.

Go to the gym at least 4 times a week and lift a substantial amount of weight. Also, try to increase the amount over time. For some time, consider going easy on the cardio exercises and focus on weight-lifting. Cardio exercises are good for you to be active but doing too much could result in burning of all the additional calories that you are getting.

11. Weight gainer shakes

For faster results, you can try weight gainer shakes which are very high in calories and sugar and will complete your required intake for the day. There are several gainers available in the market, which have a lot of calories in one scoop of those, but you can make your own shakes too. Just add food items rich in calories like peanut butter, bananas, bacon, etc. Search the web for many recipes which taste good and make it easier for you drink them.

12. Eat vegetables in the last

If you have a plate full of many types of food items, vegetables should be the last ones to be cleared off it. This is because vegetables are high in fibre and thus, help in digestion. This, in turn, helps in making space in your stomach for the next meal. So, eat your protein and calorie rich food first, and then the vegetables.

13. Little things make difference

When you’re skinny and want to gain weight, even the small things count. Things, like adding cream to your coffee, using bigger plates for meals and having smoothies, are some of these things. Cream increases calories, bigger plates automatically make you eat more food and smoothies are just like gainer shakes.

14. Keep track of everything you eat.

The calories, proteins and fats that you consume should be in specific amounts. Make a diet chart so that you eat a variety of food throughout the day. Make it a routine to have the meals that contain the same amount of those contents every day.

15. Believe in yourself.

If you believe in your exercises and diets and follow them religiously, you will definitely gain weight. Have faith in yourself and your methods and don’t give up after a week or 10 days because you’re not seeing the results. Keep putting in efforts and motivate yourself that you’ll get there. And then, ultimately, you will.

Being underweight is just as big as a problem as being obese. It can also lead to several health problems and so, it is important to put on some weight to be healthy. It can be a great challenge, but it’s not impossible. Just eat healthily and rely on as little junk food as you can. With dedication and consistent efforts, you will achieve your goal.

source: http://listsurge.com/

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